UP NORTH ( Pty ) Limited

Specialised Wholesaler / Manufacturers' Representative

UP NORTH was born some twenty two years ago – first registered in1987.

Domestic plastic ware was the company’s main focus and earlier suppliers

Included, Nu Plastics ( now Evernu Plastics) and Formosa Plastics, both in Natal - South Africa.

Today a very strong relationship still exists between our two companies.

In the early days of Botswana's economic growth, distribution was an

extremely difficult task as many of the rural country roads were rough gravel tracks

and service facilities between centres were sparse.

In its infancy the company had a staff compliment of two and rented

a small facility of some eighty square metres.

The company quickly grew and in 1989 a new partnership was formed.

The resultant

input of resources further propelled the growth as did the addition of several

major suppliers, staff and the purchase of delivery vehicles.

Brush ware and several hardware related items were added to the range

of products stocked and distributed.

The focus of Up North has and will always be to provide top quality and friendly service to

It’s customer base, whilst maintaining lasting relationships with


Up North prides itself on providing stable employment for it’s thirteen members

of staff - three of whom have been in the company’s employ for over twenty consecutive

years, a truly admirable record.

Up North is deeply committed to the people of Botswana and constantly

strive to educate and uplift the well being of staff and the many people

with whom we have regular contact.

Please pay Up north a visit in Francistown sometime. A friendly team is waiting to be of service to you.

Some facts about Botswana

Botswana is a multi party democratic country having obtained its

independence from Britain on 30 September 1966.

The current Head of State is His Excellency the President Sir SERETSE Khama

Ian Khama.

The landlocked Republic of Botswana is situated in the centre of the Southern

African plateau and covers some 582 000 square kilometres ( The same size as

France or the state of Texas in America )

The average rainfall is less than 475 mm per annum with a wide variation indistribution patterns.


Eighty four ( 84) % of the land surface of Botswana is made up of the Kalahari

Desert. The bulk of Botswana's 1.85 million (2006) population occupy the

eastern and south eastern corridor of the country. The population base is

strongly weighted towards the younger sector - 43 % of whom are below the

age of fifteen years. Annual growth is 2.4 %.

Gaborone, situated in the south west of the country, is the capital city, with Francistown,

Lobatse, Maun, Kasane and Selibi Phikwe being other principal cities and towns.

The official language is English with Setswana being the national language,

widely spoken.

Time is GMT + 2

Pula in the currency of Botswana ( 100 thebe = Pula one )

Botswana is rich in mineral wealth with coal, copper, diamonds, gold, nickel,

soda ash and uranium being extracted at various locations around the country.

Tourism is strongly promoted and the Okavango Delta, Chobe Game Reserve

and other wild life parks have become very popular destinations for both

regional and overseas tourists.

All the major centres in Botswana are now serviced by fully tarred road

surfaces and the tele-communications infra structure is of a very high standard.