We have designed 6 basic programs that cater for school children from Grade 0 right through Form 6. We also offer programs for youth groups from churches or separate from schools.

BUILDING BALANCED LIVES ◦◦◦ Age Group: Grade 0 - 7 ◦◦◦ Duration: One morning - 2 nights

This is a series of programs for all the primary school years - to provide a solid foundation on which each child may build year after year. The programs are designed so that schools can send their classes in every year to complete an eight year program. However, every year program can stand on its own as a successful contribution to a child’s primary education. The Building Balanced Lives program consists of fun activities and, over the years, covers teamwork, leadership, environmental and general life skills concepts.

ENVIRO-ADVENTURE ◦◦◦ Age Group: Standard 4 - 6 ◦◦◦ Duration: 2 - 4 nights

This program focuses on increasing environmental awareness and gives the children opportunities to get down and dirty with the bush all around us. They go out fishing, do a bit of archery and learn how to camouflage themselves with what nature provides. In addition to these, the children participate in several teaching sessions about each of the following different topics: animals, birds, trees, earth-keeping (water, soil and air) and tracks & signs.

 LEADERSHIP ◦◦◦ Age Group: Standard 6 - 7; Form 4 - 6 ◦◦◦ Duration: 3 - 4 nights

This is a physically demanding camp designed to bring to light children with leadership ability and help them develop these skills. The camp also assists all children with developing their teamwork and provides an awesome opportunity for bonding within the class. This is a traditional  experiential learning program, modeled after those of Project Adventure, a world wide leader in experiential learning.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT ◦◦◦ Age Group: Form 1 - 6 ◦◦◦ Duration: 3 - 4 nights

This program is usually offered to Form 1 students, but can be adapted for any of the high school years. We focus on activities that allow the children to explore themselves as individuals and appreciate their own strengths and weaknesses, recognizing they can make valuable contributions to society. We also encourage tolerance and understanding between individuals, cultures and religions. During the camp the children are given an opportunity to set their own core values and are encouraged to discover and develop strong and positive character traits.

SENIOR ADVENTURE CAMP ◦◦◦ Age Group: Form 1 - 3 ◦◦◦ Duration: 3 - 4 nights

A ‘Survivor’ type camp - children are put into separate tribes and are given opportunities to paint their tribal flags. They participate in ‘tribal council’ where the tribe votes for the member who has stood out in a positive manner and they are involved in a little friendly competition with the other tribes. This program is ideal for light hearted bonding within a group and gives teenagers a chance to get a little sweaty, a little muddy and a little more excited about the environment around them.

LIFE SKILLS ◦◦◦ Age Group: Form 1 - 6 ◦◦◦ Duration: 3 - 4 nights

Depending on the age group and prior discussion with the school we address the following topics on this camp: self-esteem, broken homes, stress, bullying, friends, dreams and goals, drug and alcohol abuse and sexual education (with the use of testimony) and other such subjects. Our aim is to create a safe environment where these matters can be addressed in an open and honest manner. This camp is a chance for children to get a breath of fresh air from the confusion of adolescence and gives us an opportunity to encourage them as individuals.


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